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Grade 3 Sight Reading for a Trumpet Generator

DD preparing pianoforte grade 3 merely tin can't sight read

(24 Posts)

MagnifyingGlassSearch Friday 13-April-18 19:35:48

How she's got this far I don't know but we demand to go dorsum to basics with sight reading. What is the all-time way for her to larn sight reading equally at the moment she counts to work out the notes?

Jobbieshitkakaboudin Fri thirteen-Apr-18 19:39:23

Exercise it every mean solar day, case after example. I'm a music teacher and I find most pupils are weakest in this area, my own children included. She needs to be by counting notes for grade 3 though. Get her to spend a couple of days but revising notes and so focus on the sight reading. During the holidays she should try and do a few examples per day, and back at school at to the lowest degree ii per day at present.

Situp Fri 13-Apr-18 19:41:05

I did grade eight piano and failed sightreading at every single exam wink

It simply didn't come naturally to me at all and even now, although I love to play, I hate playing from music!

Trumpetboysmum Fri 13-Apr-xviii 21:59:05

Lots and lots of do!! I too gave Ds a mental checklist of reminders - things he needed to go through before he even started to play - fourth dimension signature, key signature, markings, briefly looking over the music itself . That style when he played it it flowed sounded more musical which in turn then helped him to go along going ( even if it wasn't note perfect) Also Ds hated sight reading at commencement and then I only gave him any sometime easier music to play - equally soon as I called it sight reading he would muck it upwardly !!

tallwivglasses Fri 13-Apr-18 22:07:47

I was crap at sight-reading. Ultimately information technology'southward what made me give up after class four and stop playing - which I regret to this solar day. Till then I but made sure I excelled (ish) in the other bits of the exam. Hope she does okay.

Needtomakeachange Fri 13-April-eighteen 22:22:30

My DD spent 20 mins a twenty-four hours on a sight reading iPad game "piano tutor" for the month before her exam. She wasn't bully by so but information technology definitely helped a lot.

AliceLutherNeeMorgan Sat 14-April-18 07:07:45

I was besides rubbish at sight reading as a child (simply weirdly am ok at it at present!)

The Paul Harris books are good; I would buy grades ane, 2 and 3, and go her to work quickly through course i and the kickoff half of grade 2, and then spend longer on the residual of class 2 and grade 3. He gives good tips and works through dissimilar combinations which actually helps.

How sometime is she? If old enough to work through on her own, so swell (I have to help my DD and it's equally painful every bit pulling teeth sometimes)

crazygirlsmama Saturday 14-Apr-18 07:41:52

The Paul Harris sightreading books are adept- they encourage the breaking downwardly of information technology and thinking nigh rhythms, what they should be considering earlier they even effort to play it etc etc.

Perhaps likewise get a grade ane or 2 theory for children book if she'due south still struggling with notation recognition and do lots of practice with that so she's more confident with the notes.

I concur with the "give random bits of music" approach too- my DD didn't know she was doing sightreading for quite a long time! We practise some total sightreading stuff so prepare it, play it, then never affect it once again but nosotros also practise some prepare it, play it, "debrief" it and then ane more go to think virtually what should accept been thought nearly first fourth dimension.

Theworldisfullofidiots Sat 14-April-eighteen 07:46:x

Does she exercise theory? I'1000 a great sight reader and did theory all the fashion through from the first.
I think it'south similar learning something like Chinese. You just take to exercise information technology. Little and often. Theory games abroad from the piano assistance a lot with recognition.

MagnifyingGlassSearch Sat 14-April-18 08:57:24

She is x Alice.
Thank y'all so much everyone, you've given me great advice. It doesn't assistance that I am non musical and certainly cannot read music myself, merely will follow your communication!!

MeanTangerine Sat xiv-Apr-18 09:02:31

It's a tiny part of the exam. Get her to do five mins a day (like they do in the examination, so she gets a infinitesimal or two to look at it and endeavour bits out, then take a go at playing it) but otherwise don't sweat information technology.

MagnifyingGlassSearch Sat fourteen-Apr-eighteen 09:14:xix

Hi Mean I do realise it'southward just a tiny role of the exam, merely I am wondering if information technology will hold her back moving frontwards? Also, I think it might affect her confidence and make her overall performance more wobbly.

When she went for her Grade 2 exam she was truly playing at distinction level; about an hour before the exam she started panicking; by the fourth dimension she had to get in she was a right mess and simply managed to scrape a laissez passer, only merely!

GrasswillbeGreener Sat 14-April-18 09:14:49

I'll second and third the stuff above, good luck.
My son used to acquire from a teacher who had been a concert pianist all the same wasn't comfortable with sightreading (to my surprise). Recognising the gap now and taking steps to deal with information technology is swell.

TheHumanMothboy Sat 14-April-18 09:nineteen:29

Practice you mean that she doesn't actually know the notes, and then has to work them out from C each time? At that place are a number of acronyms (such as Face up etc) to larn, then she'll crack that. I was going to recommend the Paul Harris books too smile

Ninabellina Saturday 14-April-eighteen 09:nineteen:34

We don't learn the pianoforte, just can share what I know from our other music exams:
Lots and lots of exercise - commencement on the course i examples and progress through. She should clap the rhythms starting time and perhaps beginning with one hand and and then the other until she is more confident. Also cheque the key and make sure she knows which black notes she will need to play.
Try to ensure all other areas are as strong equally they can be - dd did form two violin at age half dozen - completely failed sight reading, but came out with a distinction overall as her pieces were high marks (around 29/thirty), full marks in aural and skillful scales.

Ninabellina Sat 14-Apr-18 09:22:38

Thinking about it, information technology was merely at form 7 that dd had finally mastered sight reading - she could make information technology in to a little piece of music, rather than just struggling to get through the notes as she had done before -she got an incredible 144 / 150 in that exam!

dodobookends Sat 14-April-18 09:23:02

Is it necessary for her to take exams? Some people just don't practice all that well in them, due to nerves or whatever, and make a hash of it. Sometimes getting a poor exam result can demoralise students, and can put them off a chip.

Does she actually want to take the exam?

WeAreGerbil Sat 14-Apr-18 09:31:04

I was crap at sight reading on the piano. I think to some extent information technology was merely the way my brain is wired, I'm merely non fast plenty (I did some reading around this and I tin't recall exactly why I came to this conclusion at present).

What helps me though is focusing on patterns rather than individual notes, thousand. in a run of quavers / semiquavers only focusing on every fourth / viii and recognising the scales and where yous have to get to. Yous might become some wrong notes in there, but it keeps you moving forrad.

Trumpetboysmum Sabbatum 14-April-xviii 09:31:26

Is she preparing for the exam for the summer session ? Dd is due to have class ane piano and has been preparing for information technology for what seems similar ages considering she panics and worries ( unnecessarily) and and so her instructor wants her to do the exam when she is totally well prepared . Dd is happy with this ( I would be bored rigid) but she wants to practice the exam . Exams aren't for everyone though and shouldn't detract from the enjoyment of playing .

Ninabellina Saturday fourteen-Apr-18 09:38:22

Exams exercise give people a focus - without the training for the test, many people would be less likely to concentrate on scales, sight reading or aural except than to fix for an cess. My dc play a broad range of music and have taken some (merely not all) exams.

Broken11Girl Sun 15-Apr-18 07:43:28

The way to ameliorate sightreading is to do information technology. The actual books ABRSM publish with sample sightreading are quite irksome imo. Maybe discover her some fun pieces she really likes, not equally sightreading equally in effort information technology once then never see it again, just challenge her to see how quickly she can play them musically ie a pass performance, don't allow her exist perfectionist? I mean pieces beneath her level, aim to come across how many she can do in a week? Encore book one might be a good one for this, or past grade 1 books. Sightreading is about 2 grades below the exam so will be that level.
I was useless at sightreading, basically did something like the to a higher place, it's helping. Good luck to her.

ThreeAndUs Wed 18-Apr-18 22:49:16

I'm a piano/trumpet teacher and I hold with lots and lots of practise at it. A few examples each 24-hour interval from the 'improve your sightreading' books past Paul Harris are a good outset. Sightreading tends to be around 2 grades lower than the class your working for so grade 1 pieces or standard pieces is too a good get-go. smile

ThreeAndUs Wednesday xviii-Apr-eighteen 22:54:46

Yous can improve at sightreading if you are committed to doing so. I currently have a student working for grade 4 piano who has in the past been e'er been anxious over the sightreading test but we are taking a new approach this grade and she has committed to practising information technology daily at habitation from the early stages of preparing for this form and we have committed to united states of america spending more time on it in the lesson to throw the anxiety out the window. Information technology seems to be working and she is really starting to go it. We are besides doing the aforementioned with aural tests. smile

bella2bella Wed 18-Apr-xviii 23:56:42

Sight reading was always one of my strongest sections and information technology was because I played in various orchestras and bands so essentially practiced a lot. I realise that'due south harder on a pianoforte then (aslope the books previously mentioned) get an easy volume of tunes she'll enjoy (show tunes/pop songs etc) so she'southward only playing for fun too, it actually helps with the sight reading.

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Grade 3 Sight Reading for a Trumpet Generator
